TÖRZS, the biggest instrumental post-rock band from Hungary, is going on a tour in Germany in 2023 March-April. They are going to play in 7 cities: Berlin, Erding, Siegen, Kiel, Jena, Dresden and Leipzig. They will share the stage with Syberia, post-metal band from Barcelona; Turpentine Valley (Belgium), Sagor Som Leder Mot Slutet (Sweden) and VHK (Hungary).

Hungarian post-rock formation TÖRZS released their new single and live music video Átfordul. TÖRZS are presenting their first material since they introduced themselves to the world in grand fashion with 2019’s majestic audio-visual experience Tükӧr. Átfordul is a prelude of things to come for the band, but also a standalone musical and cinematic achievement of its own. Recorded in the Bükk Mountains, Átfordul stands proudly as a definitive next step...

The Budapest instrumental rock/ shoegaze trio Tӧrzs recorded their brand new album Tükör live at Aggteleki Cseppkőbarlang, located within a cave system in the Hungarian National Park, an UNESCO world natural heritage, which is an exceptionally unique take on sonic imagery. This is the full live session of their recording session within the cave. Watch it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Et8LmrqMJiQ&feature=youtu.be

Törzs take their name from Hungarian terminology that connects ideas which...

Right over the weekend, instrumental rock/ shoegaze trio Tӧrzs from Budapest, Hungary premiered their brand new album Tükör via renowned post-rock channel Worldhaspostrock!

Törzs take their name from Hungarian terminology that connects ideas which reference persistent evolution coupled with a coherence and continued clarity of conceptual vision. This motif assumes direct meaning on their upcoming third record Tükor, which sees them initiate a shift from the...