The Brazilian singer and songwriter Dani Carmesim released this Thursday, August 18, on her youtube channel the clip of the Resumo da Ópera (Opera Summary). The song that names the new album and which dramatically, prophetically and apocalyptically ends the third act of the album released at the end of 2021. The clip is directed and scripted by Marina Branco da Caldo de Cana Filmes alongside Nataly Barreto, André Insurgente...

Singer and songwriter from Pernambuco, Dani Carmesim, launches on August 6th on all digital platforms her new single in partnership with DJ Ramdon and with the participation of musician André Insurgente. 'For Sales' talks about the environmental issue and denounces the aggressions that have been allowed through deforestation, burning, among other forms of exploitation, along with Brazilian forests and biomes.

In verses like: “Lavra, queima, desmata; Passa a boiada; Invade...