In the encompassing conflict that is called the War of Balgeroth, the entire Trinity of Blood Gods is on Earth for a short while, Balgeroth, Setekh Drakorgaur and Dracul Drakorgoth. Balgeroth comes to Earth with part of his dragon legion fleets and attacks the entire planet-spanning Imperium of Mankind. His Blood Gods exterminate the human population and cover the land with an all-out war. The songs from recent albums such as Beasts of Balgeroth and Bloodking played against this backdrop. "Drachenlegion" focusses on the demon machines of the Balgeroth Legion. Draconic metal monsters from hell.

In 20 years, singer and guitarist Thomas Gurrath has created an entire band universe with over 30 CDs spread across more than 17 albums from Debauchery, Blood God and Balgeroth. He has united this Trinity of Blood Gods under the name BLUTGOTT.

Musically, the band moves across genres somewhere between Judas Priest, Slayer, AC/DC, Rammstein and Bolt Thrower. There is pounding death metal, classic heavy metal and groovy hardrock, sometimes with screeching vocals, sometimes with the distinctive monster voice, sometimes clean, and everything in between.

The lyrics - in German and English - deal with the band's own dark fantasy universe: the World of Blood Gods. Named after the Blood Gods - biomechanical vampire dragons with demonic abilities.

The three most infamous are Bal-Geroth, the Bloodking of Knochenheim, Dracul Drakorgoth, the Debauchery Blood God and Setekh Drakorgaur, the Red Dragon. Together they form the Trinity of Blood Gods.

In the war zones of the past and future, on Earth, Eden, other planets and Hell, they fight brutal battles against elves, humans and dwarves, as well as other demons.The World of Blood Gods has its own miniatures and its own tabletop game, called Kings of Carnage.

Concerts of the various incarnations of the BLUTGOTT Metal Universe have been held throughout Europe, Russia and Asia. They have performed with Doro, Saxon, Dismember, Napalm Death, Destruction and many other well-known bands from the metal scene and played at major festivals such as Wacken, Summer Breeze and Bang Your Head. The albums are regularly in the top50 of the official German album charts.

The new album "Dracul Drakorgoth" will be released on September 20th and contains ten completely new songs each with the Debauchery Monster Voice, once with the German Balgeroth lyrics and also with the Blood God Heavy Metal voice. Available as 3CD Digi Pack, as limited edition box and the Debauchery and Balgeroth versions each as limited edition LP. Recorded by Dennis Ward (Unisonic, Krokus, Helloween).

The official video can be watched here

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